A Custom Solution for Reduced Access Lifting in Germany



Deutsche Bahn DB









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LASH + LIFT provided a custom PORTAGANTRY Rapide to DB Group who needed to lift and move large batteries within train carriages. The solution to the tight area of use was to use smaller A-Frames, allowing for safe and easy lifting within the confined area.

 The Background

DB Group are a passenger transport and logistics company who operate in over 140 countries worldwide; the core business for the company is the railway with over 7 million people using it every day in the passenger transport segment and over 1 million tonnes of freight shipped via rail through Germany and Europe. Over 40,000 trains are operated daily across 33,300 kilometers of rail network with 5,700 train stations.

The Challenge

DB Group had been looking for an ergonomic lifting solution for quite some time and required a product that could fit in the space within the trains carriage whilst also being mindful of the seating on either side. It needed to save them time and allow them to safely remove and replace batteries, weighing 176lb each.

Each train carriage has housings which contains two 80kg batteries, which will sometimes need replacing. The area of operation was the biggest challenge, accessing the heavy batteries in a reduced access situation between the rows of seating and needing them to be raised for extended periods of time. DB Group required a solution that would enable them to safely lift and move each battery for repair or replacement, while being fully operational within the tight spaces on board the trains.

The Solution

LASH + LIFT provided the customer with a custom-built PORTAGANTRY Rapide, which was supplied with smaller than standard A-Frames. The PORTAGANTRY Rapide can lift multiple loads at a time, making it the ideal solution for lifting all batteries from a housing at once and the smaller A-Frames made this specific solution ideal for operation within the reduced access spaces.

The ergonomic design of the PORTAGANTRY Rapide allows for flexible usage, easy handling of heavy goods and saves a lot of time and effort for the operators, optimizing the efficiency of work.


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